As a master of disguise, this color-changing cuttlefish should have no trouble creating the perfect Halloween costume
It was on this day in 1931 that Al Capone was locked up for his many crimes. Which misdeed did him in? Tax evasion!
What do Saint Patrick and Halley's Comet have in common?
The legendary Daniel Boone was born 280 years ago today. Foreboding mountains? Unforgiving wilderness? Relentless hunters? They were no match for him.
You think your job is hard? Try re-fueling an airplane in mid-air
Tour the museum in Russia that has a team of cats on staff.
From Museum Secrets Revealed
Human emotions are complicated - but neurologically speaking, are they anything more than electrical impulses?
It was on this day in 1985 that the lost wreckage of the Titanic was discovered two miles beneath the ocean's surface.
How did the "unsinkable" ship go down?
The world's largest charity hospital ship is bringing life-changing surgeries to people in need.